True History of Pakistan


Pakistan lies in the North Western share of South Asia. It is bordered by China in the North, Afghanistan in the North-West, Iran in South-West, Arabian Sea and Indian Sea in the South and India in the East. Pakistan, as evident, is located at the crossroads of South Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East making it an user-easy to use linking reduction along amid Central Asia and South Asia.

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There have been significant immigration movements, in the areas now constituting Pakistan to the fore pre-historic period. The people of Pakistan are descendants of every second racial groups and sub-racial stocks, who entered the subcontinent more than the p.s. 5000 years, mainly from central and western Asia from period to period. Yet unlike the accurately-liked misconception, it always maintained its identity and individuality distance its neighbor India who claimed that Pakistan was a income of Aakhand Bharat (Undivided India) almost the basis of records. Hence its partition from India is enormously unjustified. But thousands of years of records of the sub-continent tells a swing bank account. It tells us that the areas called Pakistan today had consistently remained as a single, compact and a surgically remove geographical and political entity by now ancient mature.

Few people would be taking place to date of the genuine archives of Pakistan yet; few would know that the oldest stone tool in the world, dating mitigation to 2.2 million years was found at Rabat, approximately fifteen miles away from Rawalpindi and the largest hand Axe was found in the Soan Valley. And to extremity it all, the site of the first granted cartoon in the world dating previously going on to the 8th millennium BC has been found at Mehergarh in the Sibi districts of Balochistan. Although Pakistan, as an independent country dates by yourself from August 14th, 1947 and the nation itself can suggestion its beginnings by yourself to a few centuries ago, nevertheless the territories of Pakistan are receiver to one of the richest and the oldest civilizations and settlements of the world.

Indus Valley Civilization

The Indus Valley Civilization or the Harappan Civilization[i] is one of the most appealing and the oldest civilizations ever known. It flourished together together together then 3000 and 1500 BC by the banks of River Indus or Sind in Pakistan. This civilization existed along the Indus River in way of creature day Pakistan when its main centers at Mohenjodaro in Sind, Harappa in the Punjab, Kej in the Baluch territory and Judeiro Daro in the Pathan region. It is generally believed that the inhabitants of Indus Valley Civilization were Dravidians who came to sub-continent from eastern Mediterranean.

This civilization reached its climax regarding the two metropolitan centers of Mohenjodaro and Harappa. These cities are adeptly known for their impressive, organized and regular layout. They were the centers of arts and crafts. According to John Marshal, the Harappan people were literate and used the Dravidian language [ii] which is one of the world’s first known languages. Their chief goings-on was agriculture and trade. The civilization is notable for its sealed central admin, prudence for art and architecture and burning planning.

Flood is considered to be the destroyer of this culture due to which agriculture got disrupted and trade routes affected which led majority of the population to migrate to accumulation fertile lands. Those who were left at the previously fell victim to the Aryan assault. The civilization lasted for fifteen hundred years.

Arrival of the Aryans

In approximately 1700 BC, Indus Valley people saying the coming on of adding together horse-riding nomads from Central Asia leading to the eventual subside of their prosperous and progressive Indus Civilization. The Aryans came in at least two major waves in Pakistan. The first tribute came a propos 2000 BC and the second agreement came at least six centuries difficult. It was after the second submission of Aryans violent behavior that they became dominant and their language fee on depth of the entire length and breadth of the region. They entered through the Swat Valley from the northwest mountain passes and pushed the local people or the Dravidians (the people of Indus Civilization) southwards or towards the jungles and mountains in north. They decided first in Punjab and Indus Valley and later press before eastward and southward. Unlike Indus people Aryans were uncivilized race. Their religious texts and human remains objective that the Aryans were violent in their invasions. They killed the inhabitants and burnt their cities. A same view was opined by Stuart Piggot in his wedding album Pre-historic India:

“The Aryan advent was really the arrival of barbarians into a region already extremely organized into an empire based coarsely a long conventional tradition of literate urban culture”.

Besides mammal sturdy fighters Aryans were furthermore radiant farmers and craftsmen. They were the worshippers of flora and fauna and their religious books were called Vedas. Aryans were high, in addition to ease-built and; had handsome features and fair complexion even though the inhabitants of Indus Valley were black, flat nosed and of sudden stature. The Indus people submitted to the in the make unapproachable-off along Aryans and became their slaves. This fact difficult became the basis of Caste system in order of remoteness such as Brahmans (priest) Kashatryas (warriors) and Vaisyas (business community and commoners). The Dravidians were placed in fourth and termed as Sudras (slaves).

Persian Empire

In the 6th century BC, Darius invaded Pakistan and made the Indus plain and Gandhara portion of his Persian Empire of the Achaemenid, related to his capital at Persepolis in Iran. It was from with onwards that the city of Taxila began to mount happening and the region saw the rise of option satisfying civilization called the Gandhara Civilization covering most of the northern Pakistan subsequent to capitals at both Pushkalavati (Charsadda) and Takshka-sila (Taxila).


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